SGFS Parent Teacher Association


Parent Teacher Association

South Gosforth is fortunate to have a very caring and supportive community of parents and carers who have the very best interests of all of our children at heart.

As part of this community, we are lucky enough to have an extremely supportive and proactive Parents and Teachers Association who meet regularly to discuss how best to help raise funds for school in order to support the main school budget and provide our pupils with wonderful resources and experiences which really enhance their education.


Over the last few years, the PTA have raised money to:

  • Develop the school playground
  • Purchase a playground trolley and some small equipment to provide a focus for play
  • Buy lots and lots of books for our pupils to use in their classes for guided and whole class reading, as well as to buy more library books for our children to enjoy
  • Purchase two metro passes so that travel for school visits is supplemented


The PTA relies on the voluntary support of parents and carers to run school discos, fairs, film nights and other enjoyable events. Whilst we all know how difficult it is to give large chunks of time on a regular basis when you have children and work commitments, many members of our school community do find time to get involved and we appreciate all they do.


'Since starting my headship in 2019 and meeting with the PTA, I have been struck by what a really friendly group they are. It is clear to see that the PTA team get on very well and all members really enjoy co-ordinating the social gatherings for both children and families, whilst also inevitably raising money for our lovely school. I would strongly encourage anyone who is interested in volunteering for the South Gosforth First School PTA to get involved and become a member – it really is a fantastic way to socialise and network with other members of our school family, whilst really giving something back to our pupils. Everyone is welcome!'

Rob Adams - Head Teacher


If anyone is interested in joining the SGFS PTA or finding out more information about what they do and how you can help, please contact the school office.