The P.E & Sports Premium
The Government provides a ‘Sporting Premium’ fund which enables schools to further enhance and invest in P.E and Sports provision. This funding is 'ring-fenced' which means that it can only be spent on provision of PE and sport in schools. Here at South Gosforth First School, we strive to ensure that our pupils receive high quality P.E. teaching and we embrace opportunities to take part in a range of sports both in the Gosforth Schools' Trust and across the city.
The P.E & Sports Premium is designed to:
- Develop and enhance the P.E and Sporting activities which our school already offers.
- Build capacity and sustainability in school to ensure that improvements made now will benefit pupils joining the school in future years.
What do we do already?
We are delighted to be able to invest in P.E & Sport at South Gosforth First School, as we believe that participation in sport can change the lives of children, giving our pupils great opportunities to be fit, happy and well, both now and in the future.
We have always ensured that children have two hours of quality P.E teaching every week and we already provide many additional opportunities for groups and individuals on top of our planned curriculum, including 'The Daily Mile', organised active games at playtimes and lunchtimes and a whole range of extra-curricular active and sporting activities including: Tennis, Multi-Skills, Dance, Taekwondo, Netball, Tag Rugby, Gymnastics and Football. We believe in the importance of high quality teaching in P.E, so we have many outside agencies and skilled sporting professionals who come in to school to work alongside our pupils and staff in each year group very regularly. As well as ensuring that our children receive excellent provision in P.E, this also up-skills our staff, who are able to learn from the excellent practice which they are shown and sustain this in their subsequent P.E teaching.
We are always looking for ways to develop our provision in P.E and sport and we are mindful to give our pupils opportunities to take part in activities and learn skills which they have never tried before, so we change and enhance our curriculum and extra-curricular offer every year. We believe that this helps our pupils to really explore what they are good at and what they enjoy, which leads to our pupils fostering a lifelong love of sport and active learning.
Please see our P.E Intent & Vision statement and P.E & Sports Grant Funding Impact documents below: